
Do You Have

The Car That Fits

Your Need?

We utilize our vast knowledge to work with you to come up with a custom plan that will fit your needs. We help you find the car Wholesale and get your funding. All makes and models/ Good credit or bad credit. Free Consultation.

Don't miss the Opportunity

It’s just few clicks away

100% Privacy Guaranteed

(855) WISE-RISE 

Address: 30-60 Steinway Street 2nd Fl
LIC, NY 11109

Do You Have

The Car That 

Fits Your Need?

It’s just few click away

100% Privacy Guaranteed

What We Offer

Pre-Sale Preparation
We're able to offer locate a wholesale auction vehicle  at a price many other car dealers can't offer.
We're able to offer financing rates that many other car dealers can't offer.
Trade-In Service
Our service allows you to purchase a pre owned car at an attractive price, while saving you all the trouble of handling your old car. 

What We Offer

Pre-Sale Preparation
We're able to offer locate a wholesale auction vehichle  at a price many other car dealers can't offer.
We're able to offer financing rates that many other car dealers can't offer.
Trade-In Service
Our service allows you to purchase a pre owned car at an attractive price, while saving you all the trouble of handling your old car. 

What We Offer

Pre-Sale Preparation
We're able to offer locate a wholesale auction vehichle  at a price many other car dealers can't offer.
We're able to offer financing rates that many other car dealers can't offer.
Trade-In Service
Our service allows you to purchase a pre owned car at an attractive price, while saving you all the trouble of handling your old car. 

Satisfied Clients 

All Makes All Models 

Looking to buy the car  you want at the best price? And get the best financing? You’ve come to the right place!  

If you’re wondering how to go about 
selling your car, we’re here to help you find the ideal way to maximise the return for your current vehicle.

Looking to buy the car you want? 
at the best price and financing AVAILABLE?   

You’ve come to the right place!

If you’re wondering how to go about selling your car, we’re here to help you find the ideal way to
maximise the return for your current vehicle.

DISCOVER and buy the car


DISCOVER  and BUY the car